Be the first brand people think of when they are looking for solutions in that industry

Grow your business today, book a Brad Strategy Session


Starts At $100/Month

86% of customers say being authentic is critical in supporting a brand


Companies with consistent brand activities see their revenue increase by approximately 33% in 2021


That is why we are here to enhance your perceived value with top-quality graphics and ensure your brand stands out from the crowd.

86% of customers say being authentic is critical in supporting a brand


Companies with consistent brand activities see their revenue increase by approximately 33% in 2021


Why You Need Us

  • In today’s age, having a product, idea or solution is not enough. The noise from different businesses is on the high and the strife competition is turning companies into commodities.
  • Nobody desires commodities. They only buy it when there is no other option.

This is why you need to build a strong Brand. Get the Brad Strategy Session to help you get started.

Our clients know that visual content converts faster than words alone. Especially when it is done right! SEE WHAT THEY ARE SAYING
Trusted By Leading Brands Around The World

Build a brand that will be:

  • Visible: Stand out from the competition
  • Visceral: Create a positive emotional and influence culture
  • Memorable: Pass the test of time

What is a Brand?

There has been much discussion about what a brand is. “A promise”, “a gut feeling”, “a person’s perception”, and “a name given to a product and/or service”, to name a few.

But for us, a brand is a container that influences how people think, move and live by creating memorable experiences and connections with them.

What you fill in that container is dependent on your mission on earth.

Our purpose is to provide strategies that will empower more people to build influential brands.

It’s not just about creating a product; You need a brand

For any business to thrive, it ultimately comes down to aligning with some carefully chosen elements. 

This includes not only visual aspects (designs) but also the mission, vision, value proposition, audience persona, positioning, voice, rituals, and marketing strategies.

This is what most businesses are missing out on. They get an idea and the next thing is a product. But then, they fail because the market doesn’t want more products; the market wants brand – ideas that can shape how they walk, talk, and live.

We have the strategies it will take to achieve this. Whether you are just starting, shifting in a new direction, or you are an already developed business, this Brad Strategy Session is for you.

And after this session, you will have what it takes to build a strong foundation from which audiences will better be able to understand your brand. The result is brand trust, loyalty,

and ultimately, the driving force of repeat business.


Go with SUN TZU



A 3 – 6 hour Brad Strategy Workshop to understand your business, customers, competitors and goals. This is broken down into 5 strategy sessions.

Rather go with NAPOLEON?



With Napoleon, you will get everything in Sun Tzu offers plus designs to help kickstart your brand based on Napoleon’s recommendations:

Go with SUN TZU



A 3 – 6 hour Brad Strategy Workshop to understand your business, customers, competitors and goals. This is broken down into 5 strategy sessions.

Rather go with NAPOLEON?



With Napoleon, you will get everything in Sun Tzu offers plus designs to help kickstart your brand based on Napoleon’s recommendations:

Hear what others are saying

“In 2020, I connected with Wisdom Bradford. He is the CEO of Bradital. In just one year of working together, I tripled my sales even in the covid 19 lockdown. I recommend the Bradital Team”   -MadameLandlady – REALTOR

“Having to partner with the State Government to manage the Ibom E-library was initially a difficult task. It was very tough to get our message across to our potential customers. But with strategies from the team at Bradital, we’ve been able to create responsive message for our social media channel and also launch captivating promotional campaign for our Brand. I recommend Bradital”

Frequently Asked Questions

The BradStrategy sessions will act as a blueprint to help you understand your brand better, build unique values, market strategically and win.  You will also get tailored made reports that will act as an action plan for you to run with.

No. All sessions are online except BradStrategy for team. You can email us

All of the live sessions at Bradital are hosted on Zoom (Zoom software is free and easy to use).

After signing up, you’ll get to choose the dates for your live sessions. Select the dates that work best for your schedule.

Yes! You have LIFETIME access to it – including the strategy resources.

We’re happy to help you switch to new dates. Just send us an email 24 hours before your session to reschedule.

You have a choice of paying online with a credit card, through a secure payment gateway, or through wire transfer.

We offer a 100% money-back guarantee.

In case you’re hesitating, consider our 100% guarantee for this Brand Strategy Session. If you find that it hasn’t met your expectations after the first session, simply drop us a mail and we’ll refund your entire fee.

Yes. He is our Chief Strategist. So, for now, you will have a live strategy experience with him.

Find out how to make your brand seen, heard, and remembered.

Find out how to make

your brand seen, heard,

and remembered.

Book the BradStrategy Session Today

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Our team at Bradital is rapidly growing and we are currently seeking new team members to help build more Global Brands.

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